ICRMS2022 | 21-24 Aug 2022 Hong Kong, China ◀   BACK

Message from ICRMS2022 Chairs

We are pleased to welcome all the participants to this year’s International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS2022). This conference was initiated by seven Chinese national academic associations in 1992, including Chinese Institute of Electronics, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Chinese Society of Astronautics, Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Ordnance Society, China Instruments and Control Society and Chinese Society for Applied Statistics. ICRMS has been held every two or three years, which aims at strengthening international exchange and promoting technology improvement on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (RMS). It is a regular conference with the longest history among all similar conferences in the Asia-Pacific region.

Because of the pandemic, it has not been possible to organize this as a physical event. We decided to have this conference mainly as an online event, in conjunction to the HK Tech Forum on Reliability and Safety of Intelligent Systems by City University of Hong Kong. The HK Tech Forum talks by globally renowned scholars also serve as keynote presentations for ICRMS, and two days of parallel sessions are arranged after that.

Despite of a short notice and time to prepare this conference, we are delighted that the conference received overwhelming support with close to 200 submissions. Each of full-papers has gone through a rigorous review by three experts. There will be 80 presentations for accepted submissions, including both full-paper and abstract-only submissions, in addition to the keynote presentations and invited talks. A highlight of this year’s ICRMS is that the editor-in-chiefs of almost all major reliability and safety journals will participate in an Editor’s Roundtable on 21 Aug afternoon.

We would like to thank all who contributed to this event. Without their help, this conference would not have been possible. We appreciate all members of the organizing committee and the program committee who helped with the conference program and publicity. We are grateful to all reviewers for their help in completing the review and providing useful feedback to the chairs and authors. Last but not least, the effort by all authors in preparing their high-quality work and offering presentations, from different time zones is deeply appreciated.

We wish all conference attendees a fruitful meeting and discussion with colleagues and friends. We hope to meet in person when we are back to physical ICRMS conferences in the future.

Min XIE, Lishuai LI, Zijun ZHANG
City University of Hong Kong
On behalf of ICRMS2022 Organizing Committee

Way KUO,
Honorary Chair

City University of Hong Kong
Min XIE,
General Chair

City University of Hong Kong
Lishuai LI,
Organising Chair

City University of Hong Kong
Zijun ZHANG,
Programme Chair

City University of Hong Kong